Department: Team

9 posts

Tran Vinh Do

Currently I am an economics student studying at the University of Warsaw. During the internship I would like…

Aleksandra Szaniawska

My work focuses on developing communication strategies for and promoting Fulbright Poland grants and other projects and initiatives,…

Justyna Maziarska-Lesisz

I coordinate programs enabling Polish scholars to carry out independent research or teaching projects in a host institution…

Paulina Kubylis

I’m a program coordinator for the Core U.S. Scholar program and U.S. Student Researchers program. I’m also coordinating…

Natalia Kozłowska

I’m an IT systems administrator and IT support for our small office, manage our websites and serve as…

Anna Kertyczak

I’ve been working for the Fulbright Commission since 2019. I used to be responsible for concept and delivery…

Patrycja Donaburska

I coordinate the Graduate Student Award, Junior Research Award and BioLAB Program. I am responsible for promotion, recruitment…

Aleksandra Braumańska

I coordinate one of the programs for American citizens (English Teaching Assistants), as well as organize the events…

Ewa Czarnojan

As the leader of the Commission Team, I collaborate with key partners – including the Ministry of Science…
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