Donate to support the next generation of Fulbrighters!

In 2024 we are celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Fulbright Program in Poland – the first country in Central and Eastern Europe where the Program started operating. We are immensely proud of the achievements of our 5000 Polish and American alumni, as well as the impact of the program on academia and communities in both Poland and the United States. As we believe in the good that it brings and are committed to continue building a bridge between Poland and the U.S., we’re inviting you to join our celebration by donating to the “65 for 65” anniversary fundraiser.

Our goal is to collect $65,000 to bring young Americans to Poland so that they can support building a more inclusive society by teaching English especially in smaller academic centers.

Help us achieve 100%

65000 USD

While the Fulbright Program remains predominantly government-funded, unfortunately we are not immune to the market situation. Cumulated inflation in Poland since 2020 has reached roughly 40% (!), while our funding remains at the same level.

Help us fulfill our mission and bring as many Americans to Poland as possible every year.

With $65,000 we can fund 5.5 yearly scholarships for Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) who play a vital role not only in teaching American English to Polish students but also in familiarizing Polish people with the diversity of American culture firsthand.

Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program

English Teaching Assistants are U.S. college graduates and professionals who teach and co-teach language classes at universities and institutions of higher education across the country. They improve their students’ English language abilities and knowledge of the United States while increasing their own language skills and knowledge of Poland. During their 9-months stay, the grantees engage in the local communities of their host cities, establishing many personal and professional connections, which in many cases last longer than the grant itself.

Sponsor an ETA Fulbrighter for a full-year experience in Poland!


is a total cost of a 9-month grant paid by the Commission to an ETA, incl. monthly allowance and one-off payments such as travel, relocation and book/conference allowance.

Sponsor half of an ETA’s  year-long experience in Poland!


is half of the cost of one 9-month ETA grant, as described above.

Sponsor a month of Fulbright ETAs professional development and experience!


is an average monthly cost of an ETA grant, incl. an equal share of one-off payments.

Contribute as much as you like to keep us rocking!

any $$

Any $$ will support our goal and contribute to fulfilling the Fulbright mission.

  1. Go to
  2. In the field “Designated to” select “Poland Fulbright Assistance Fund” from the list.
  3. Indicate an amount and follow the payment instructions. 

Fulbright grants in Poland are tax-exempt – no taxes will be deducted from the scholarships. 

Good news is that your donation is tax-deductible thanks to the Fulbright Assistance Fund run by the IIE! The Institute for International Education is a U.S.-based non-profit organization designated as a 501(c)3. 

Prefer to donate in Polish zlotys? Direct donations can be send by wire transfer to:

Recipient: Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission
Bank: Bank Handlowy w Warszawie
Account number: 03 1030 1582 0000 0005 0159 4067
Transfer title: donation 65 for 65


Fulbright Poland is grateful for all the investments from donors in celebration of our 65th anniversary. We hope to continue our collaboration in the coming years. Thank you for giving back to the Fulbright community.

Throughout the year we plan to publish the list of our donors here

Please note: as the donations are being collected through IIE, the list linked above might not be complete. We will certainly get back to you to express our gratitude as soon as we receive the next updated donor list from IIE.
