Polish Science Perspectives. Meetup Berkeley

Interested in learning about the work of Polish scientists in Northern California?

Registration is now Open for Science: Polish Perspectives Meetup Berkeley, co-organized by Polonium Foundation and Polish Club of Berkeley. As the first ever in-person SPP Meetup in the USA, its goal is to help establish meaningful relationships between Polish professionals and the multidisciplinary research community.

The main objective of the event is to promote the work of Polish scientists in the Northern California region and create favorable conditions for establishing new and deeper relationships between Polish professionals and the multidisciplinary research community. Participants of the event will represent leading universities (UC Berkeley, Stanford, UCSF, and others), Silicon Valley companies, and other institutions interested in research and science in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The organizers hope that the event will generate significant interest and contribute to the integration of the local Polish professional-scientific community in the region, as well as integration with Poland. Join us and other Polish researchers and science enthusiasts, students, doctoral candidates, postdocs, young professionals, academia, and industry!

Register here to attend on October 28th:  https://poloniumfoundation.org/meetup-berkeley-2023

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