We have completed the selection process for the Fulbright Junior Research Award 2023-24 and we are pleased to present the list of candidates nominated to receive this grant.
The program’s objective is to provide doctoral candidates with an opportunity to conduct their own research project related to the field of their dissertation at a host institution in the United States. Awards are offered for 4 to 10 months, granted to persons preparing their doctoral dissertations in Polish institutions of higher education that are authorized to confer the academic degree of a “doctor.”
This year’s call for applications closed on May 27, 2022. We received 66 applications. The grant application procedure included substantive evaluation of the proposed project prepared by 3 independent experts and an interview with selected candidates whose applications received the highest number of points. As a result, 14 people were nominated to receive the award and 3 people are placed on an alternate list.
Candidates nominated for the award:
Surname | Name | Field of study | Home Institution | Home institution’s city |
Duda | Szymon | Engineering | Wrocław University of Technology | Wrocław |
Gębala | Jacek | Physics | University of Warsaw | Warszawa |
Harasimowicz | Julia | Art History | University of Warsaw | Warszawa |
Janas | Krzysztof | Anthropology | University of Warsaw | Warszawa |
Kiwerska | Zuzanna | Humanities | University of Warsaw | Warszawa |
Kucab | Mateusz | Literature | Jagiellonian University | Kraków |
Łuszczek | Tomasz | Linguistics | University of Warsaw | Warszawa |
Nowakowski | Michał | Literature/Interdisciplinary Studies | The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin | Lublin |
Perdyan | Adrian | Medical Sciences | Medical University of Gdańsk | Gdańsk |
Stachura | Julia | Art History | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań | Poznań |
Synowiec | Aleksandra | Virology | Jagiellonian University | Kraków |
Szulc | Natalia | Biology | International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw | Warszawa |
Tarnowski | Maciej | Philosophy | University of Warsaw | Warszawa |
Wizła | Magdalena | Psychology | Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw | Warszawa |
Alternate list:
Surname | Name | Field of study | Home Institution | Home institution’s city |
Bryksa | Anna | Neuroscience | Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS | Warszawa |
Bagiński | Paweł | Sociology | University of Warsaw | Warszawa |
Kasperska | Agnieszka | Sociology | University of Warsaw | Warszawa |