Nominees for the Fulbright STEM Impact Award 2022-23

We have completed the selection process for the Fulbright STEM Impact Award 2022-23 and we are pleased to present the list of candidates nominated to receive this grant.

Fulbright STEM Impact Award is a short-term grant for researchers representing STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) who manage research projects and have a supervisory role over researchers at Polish higher education and research institutions. The grant allows them to spend 2-6 weeks at a host institution in the U.S. doing research and/or teaching projects, and learning about the commercialization of science and development of successful grant applications.

This year’s call for applications closed on May 27, 2022. We received 23 applications. The competition procedure included a formal verification process, a substantive evaluation of eligible projects prepared by 3 independent experts and an interview with selected candidates whose applications received the highest scores. As a result, selected candidates were nominated to receive the award:

  1. dr inż. Katarzyna Kalinowska-Wichrowska, Białystok University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Białystok
  2. dr hab. Joanna Kozieł, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
  3. dr hab. Katarzyna Miękus, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
  4. dr Alicja Puścian, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS, Laboratory of Emotions Neurobiology, Warszawa
  5. dr inż. Franciszek Rakowski, University of Warsaw, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, Warszawa
  6. dr hab. inż. Anna Skorek-Osikowska, Silesian University of Technology, Department of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery, Gliwice


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