It is with great sadness that we received the news that Harriet Mayor Fulbright, Senator Fulbright’s widow and the first Executive Director of the Fulbright Association, has died. As John Bader, Executive Director of the Fulbright Association highlights in his tribute, Harriet was a leader in the Fulbright community and the Program’s greatest ambassador and advocate because “she spoke about its impact with such force, passion, and commitment. You knew you were among Fulbright royalty in her presence, as she carried herself with such dignity and charisma – but in ways that were so approachable and friendly.”
Harriet Mayor Fulbright visited Poland in 1999 and participated in the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the Fulbright Program in Poland. It was during this celebration that the commemorative plaque of Senator J.William Fulbright was unveiled on the grounds of the University of Warsaw’s library. Harriet Mayor Fulbright was also the President of the J. William and Harriet Fulbright Center in Washington, D.C. and Board President of Harriet Fulbright College. For years, she advocated for the importance of international education and in her numerous initiatives and appearances, she carried the Fulbright Program’s mission of building a “mutual understanding” and creating “lasting connections”
Our heartfelt condolences to Harriet Mayor Fulbright close ones.
Read more about Harriet Mayor Fulbright on the Fulbright Association website: