Krystyna Malińska

I am a lecturer and a researcher at the Faculty of Infrastructure and Environment at Częstochowa University of Technology, where my research area covers environmental engineering and sustainable agricultural with particular interests in i.e. nutrient recycling in agriculture and managing organic waste through composting. As a Fulbright Junior Award recipient in 2006-2007 I did my research at Pennsylvania State University.

I am a lecturer and a researcher at the Faculty of Infrastructure and Environment at Częstochowa University of Technology (from 2002). I graduated from Krakow University of Agriculture in food technology and from University of Silesia in Katowice in business English.

My research area covers environmental engineering and sustainable agricultural with particular interests in nutrient recycling in agriculture, managing organic waste through composting, developing biodegradable and compostable plastics for agriculture. I have been involved in several research projects (Organic_PLUS, H2020; Innovation Incubator 4.0; Nutri2Cycle H2020) and commissioned work. I have coauthored a number scientific papers and dissemination materials for general public. I teach courses (Circular economy, Intellectual Property Rights, Management of research projects, Communicating science to non scientific audiences). I am contributing to the academic community through the TopMinds mentoring program for early stage researchers.

As a Fulbright Junior Award recipient in 2006-2007 I did my research at Pennsylvania State University. I also completed the Top 500 Innovators: Science-Management-Commercialization Program at Stanford University (2011) and was a recipient of Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science & Technology Fellowship Program (University of Georgia, 2007).

I just love gardening.

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