Dr hab. Eliza Przeździecka

Professor at SGH Warsaw School of Economics where she leads the Institute of International Economics at the SGH College of World Economy. Senior economist in the Economic Analysis Team of Deloitte Advisory. Fulbright Poland alumna.

Eliza Przeździecka is a professor at SGH and leads the Institute of International Economics at the SGH College of World Economy. She is also a senior economist in the Economic Analysis Team of Deloitte Advisory. She has over 20 years of professional experience in analytical and research work, in the private sector, academia and non-governmental organizations. She is the author of reports on foreign direct investment, as well as studies on macroeconomics, business internationalization and international trade.

She has held foreign research and teaching fellowships abroad, including at Duke University in the United States, the German universities of Tübingen and Pforzheim and the French universities of Toulouse, Nancy and Paris, and in Swiss ZHAW in Winterthur. She has taught at the University of Trier in 2009-2018 and at the Vienna University of Economics in 2019-2021.

She holds a doctoral degree in economic sciences. She completed her master’s degree at the Warsaw School of Economics. She was a student of the doctoral programme (IDEA – International Doctorate in Economic Analysis) at the Universidad Autonoma in Barcelona. She also completed postgraduate studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and at the JFK School of Government at Harvard University. She is a scholarship holder of the European Commission, Salzburg Seminar and Fulbright Commission programmes.

She was a member of the Board of the Polish-American Fulbright Commission from 2019 to 2022.

  • SGH Warsaw School of Economics