Elanta Slowek

I chose Poland because I recently studied business and I am aware of the new government initiative to introduce innovation into this country and I was very interested in discovering more about what that means.

Natalia Ochman

There's so many wonderful things about Poland. I've learned so much about the political, the healthcare system, the child care system, the educational system, things that I can bring back to the United States and teach others about how it is in Europe.

Eri Nox

I'm researching the Polish avant-garde playwright Stanisław Witkiewicz. I became very interested in bringing his plays that are not well-known in America to American audiences. I'm doing an adaptation of his 1920 play "Oni" into a modern English adaptation. My project is writing a show for a very traditional theater in Kraków and they love what I’m doing.

Caitlin Mello

I had a different expectation of what education would look like. There are some differences between the United States and Poland. I came from a bigger school and now I'm in a very small school in Chełm so it's just a very different kind of teaching and learning environment.

Frankee Lyons

I study modern Eastern Europe and Poland. I chose Poland because of its unique history. It is a unique place, this crossroads of Europe, and a really amazing key study for a lot of the modern issues that people face today, such as migration and nation-building.

Michael LoPiano

In Poland, not only is hospitality in general at a very high level but there's also a very welcoming environment especially for a foreign American who is interested in Polish history, who is learning Polish and speaks Polish. It's really a unique experience in the world to have someone say: ‘We're so glad you're here, whatever we can do to help, please let us know.'

Chelsea Loew

I tried to just leave myself a lot of flexibility in what I wanted to do here so that I could just let things kind of happen organically. And it ended up working out because I'm working with a couple ensembles that I wasn't sure I would be writing for before coming here.

Gregory Hoke

Poland has lots of really interesting opportunities sort of untouched, a new ground to be charted in terms of basic science investigation with lots of interesting problems and lots of good foundational work from previous generations of geologists.

Nicole Gruszka

My research is very much about Poland. I was really interested in Catholicism as a kind of culture-making institution in Poland. I decided to apply for a Fulbright because there weren't any academic sources about contemporary exorcism. I got it and I am here.
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