Zain Khalpey

The architecture that Fulbright has built creates a wonderful opportunity for collaboration.

Participating in the Fulbright program was an absolutely unforgettable experience. The architecture that Fulbright has built creates a wonderful opportunity for collaboration. Because the experts and specialists involved did not have to worry about the structure of the collaboration, we were free to share techniques and information, and hone our skills in ways that would not be possible otherwise. I know that the knowledge gained in Poland will be able to be translated into improvements at my home institution.

Furthermore, the Polish Fulbright Commission was so hospitable and amiable, which made me feel really welcome and very much at home in Poland. The cultural and social experiences were unique and I will always cherish my time there. I am very honored to have been awarded the opportunity to be a part of the Fulbright family.

Zain Khalpey, MD Ph.D. is cardiothoracic surgeon and Associate Professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson, AZ. He was a Fulbright U.S. Scholar in the 2015-16 academic year.

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