Polish Fulbright grantees 2024-25
Grantees’ profiles
Click or tap on a person to learn more about the grantee, their grant, and the reasons they chose to apply for a Fulbright grant to the US. For a complete list of grantees, please refer to the Google spreadsheet linked below, as this list of profiles might not be fully comprehensive.
Barbara Batycka
Graduate Student Award
Marko Babić
Slavic Award
Jakub Baczyński-Keller
Junior Research Award
Paweł Banaś
Senior Award
Jan Biegus
Senior Award
Mateusz Borowski
Slavic Award
Karolina Broś
Senior Award
Piotr Bystranowski
Senior Award
Galia Chimiak
Senior Award
Anna Dżabagina
Senior Award
Małgorzata Fajkowska
Senior Award
Aleksandra Jakimiuk
Junior Research Award
Zuzanna Kocjan
Graduate Student Award
Łukasz Kołodziej
Graduate Student Award
Monika A. Kusiak
Senior Award
Sylwia Kuźma-Markowska
Senior Award
Grzegorz Liśkiewicz
Senior Award
Maciej Majka
Scholar-in-Residence Award
Maria Markiewicz
Graduate Student Award
Marcin Matczak
Senior Award
Małgorzata Myk
Senior Award
Hanna Neroj
Graduate Student Award
Julia Nowakowska
Junior Research Award
Katarzyna Posmyk
Junior Research Award
Marcin Rabiza
Junior Research Award
Rafał Skopek
Junior Research Award
Joanna Stempień
Junior Research Award
Karolina Sulich
Graduate Student Award
Łukasz Szoszkiewicz
Senior Award
Emilia Trudnowska
Senior Award
Tomasz Wiktor
Graduate Student Award
Weronika Witkowska
Graduate Student Award
Jakub Wojciechowski
Junior Research Award
Katarzyna Zawada
Junior Research Award
Tomasz Zawadzki
Scholar-in-Residence Award
Andrzej Żak
Senior Award
Zuzanna Samson
Fulbright-Schuman Award
Paulina Milewska
Fulbright-Schuman Award
Grantees’ host institutions locations
The map shows the locations where in the U.S. our grantees will be located, based on their host institutions. Expand the legend to see all participants – map displays one pin per institution, even if multiple grantees are hosted there. Click on a person to view more information.

Access full list of grantees through Google Sheet
To use sorting and filtering use “Data” tab in the top menu and then “Create filter view”.

Learn More About Fulbright Grants to the U.S.
The Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission annually awards several dozen scholarships for research, teaching, as well as for research studies and internships in the USA.

Learn More About Fulbright Grants to Poland
Fulbright Poland offers a wide range of grant programs that support research visits to Poland or collaboration between Polish institutions and American scholars, artists, and professionals.