Nominees for the Fulbright Senior Award 2025-26

We have concluded the selection process for the 2025-26 Fulbright Senior Award, and we are pleased to present the list of candidates nominated to receive this grant.

Fulbright Senior Award is a post-doctoral grant for Polish scholars employed at Polish higher education or research institutions. Aim of the grant is to conduct a research or research and teaching project in USA.

Call for proposals ended on June 5, 2024 and we received 71 applications. The following applicants have been awarded the scholarship:

LPNameHome institutionCityField of study
1dr hab. inż. Marcin ChwałaWroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil EngineeringWrocławEngineering
2prof. dr hab. Krystyna DąbrowskaWroclaw University of Science and Technology/Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of Polish Academy of SciencesWrocławBiology
3dr Magdalena DobrolińskaMedical University of Silesia , Faculty of Medical SciencesKatowiceMedical Sciences
4dr hab. Łukasz DominiakNicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Philosophy and Social SciencesToruńPhilosophy
5dr Sylwia FrachUniversity of Opole, Institute of LiteraturesOpoleFilm/Cinema Studies
6dr Natalia FrankowskaSWPS University, Institute of PsychologyWarszawaPsychology
7prof. dr hab. Łukasz KamieńskiJagiellonian University, Institute of American Studies and Polish DiasporaKrakówSecurity Studies
8dr Izabella KimakMaria Curie-Sklodowska University , Faculty of Languages, Literatures and CulturesLublinLiterature
9dr hab. Agata ŁukszaUniversity of Warsaw, Institute of Polish CultureWarszawaCultural & Intellectual History
10dr Malwina MarciniakFeliks Nowowiejski Academy of MusicBydgoszczMusic
11dr Jarosław MilewskiUniversity of Lodz, Department of North American Literature and CultureŁódźLiterature
12prof. dr hab. Justyna OlkoUniversity of Warsaw, „Artes Liberales” FacultyWarszawaLinguistics
13prof. dr hab. Adam PikulInstitute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of Polish Academy of Sciences, Division of Magnetic ResearchWrocławPhysics
14dr Agnieszka SobolInstitute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute, The Centre for Sustainable DevelopmentWarszawaEconomics
15dr Monika ŻychlińskaUniversity of Warsaw, American Studies CenterWarszawaSocial Sciences

Congratulations to all the recipients!

Projects will be conducted during 2025-26 academic year. Call for applications for the Fulbright Senior Award 2026-27 will open in February 2025.

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