Marcin Ostoja-Hełczyński

Who I am:

My name is Marcin and I’m a final year student of the Molecular Biotechnology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. My research interests are closely related to medical biotechnology which concentrates on advancing medicine and improving people’s lives. During my education I became passionate about regenerative medicine, so for past few years I have been working in this field at the Department of Cell Biology at Jagiellonian University and the Department of Stem Cell Bioengineering at Mossakowski Medical Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences. Aside from my academic life I enjoy spending time in nature, especially by hiking. I also like playing board games and tabletop RPG games with friends.

My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:

During my BioLAB internship I will research stem cells and regenerative medicine by studying chromatin regulators. Main goal is to determine how they affect the development of heart cells and the maintenance of heart stem cells. In the future this can lead to improvement of treating heart-related problems.

I decided to apply for a BioLAB program because:

The possibilities offered by the BioLAB program seemed like the perfect continuation of my education. I believe that one-year internship will allow me to gain skills and knowledge necessary for  development of scientific career.

After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:

My dream is to contribute to science and that’s why after completing BioLAB and graduating I would like to start Ph.D. studies.

  • Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation