Anna Gruchala

US Student Researcher

Environmental Sciences

Who I am:

I am a 2024 graduate of the University of Alabama, where I studied Environmental Engineering. During my time at school, I was involved with research in hydrology, industrial ecology, and salmon ecology. My most exciting research experience was interning with the University of Washington’s Alaska Salmon Program in Aleknagik, Alaska, which is what inspired me to continue doing research with a strong focus on fieldwork. Outside of the classroom, I was involved in suicide prevention efforts on campus and was a presenter for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Talk Saves Lives program. Most of my hobbies revolve around being active and spending time outside – I love swimming, running, and hiking along with country swing and line dancing.

My Fulbright grant focuses on:

My research is focused on quantifying greenhouse gas emissions in peatland-floodplain ecosystems. We know that peatlands sequester (capture/take in) carbon when healthy and emit carbon when damaged, but we don’t know how much carbon is being taken in or released, along with exactly how the restoration of peatlands affects these processes. I’ll be working with Dr. Mateusz Grygoruk at SGGW in Warsaw and at field sites throughout Poland.

I decided to apply for a Fulbright grant because:

I applied for a Fulbright for two reasons: to continue conducting research in the field of ecology, and to connect with my Polish heritage. I’ve been passionate about conservation since I can remember, and became interested in environmental restoration as a sophomore in college. My parents are Polish immigrants and I grew up in a very culturally-Polish household, which allowed me to develop a strong connection with the country. The Fulbright program allows me to bring these two things together.

After completing my Fulbright grant I would like to:

After completing my Fulbright grant, I would like to work in river and stream restoration. My dream career is one that allows me to work outside, to combine my interests in engineering and ecology, and to see positive environmental changes being made.

  • Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa
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