Aneta Kluszczyńska
Administration and Finance Manager, Management Board Member
I am responsible for finance and administration. I prepare reports of our expenditures to external institutions from which we receive our funding, i.e. the US Department of State and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. I prepare budgets and monitor their spending on an ongoing basis, I participate in the process of preparing annual reports and servicing audits. I take care of security and constant supply in our office. I am also responsible for HR matters.
Before joining the Commission, I have worked in the area of financial settlements of EU, Norwegian and European Economic Area funds. I have worked in organizations such as the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Cooperation Fund Foundation and the Stefan Batory Foundation. For many years, I mainly cooperated with the non-governmental sector in Poland.
In my free time, I relax while solving puzzles or weeding my little garden. I like people and life, so often I hang out all night with my friends discussing important, less important and unimportant issues.