Poznaj uczestników i uczestniczki Programu BioLAB 2023-24! Naciśnij na zdjęcie wybranej osoby aby wyświetlić więcej informacji. Poniżej sekcji ze zdjęciami znajdziesz też tabelkę z informacjami o instytucjach macierzystych, goszczących oraz dyscyplinach naukowych.
Sophia Bałdysz
Natalia Bednarek
Aleksandra Budzyńska
Michał Fornalik
Seweryn Gałecki
Mariola Gimła
Tanya Guevara Avella
Maria Gwit
Magdalena Jawor
Aleksandra Jaworska
Aria Kamal
Aleksandra Kośmider
Aysia Khan
Izabela Książek
Alicja Kuźniewska
Emilia Korczmar
Sebastian Machera
Agnieszka Machowska
Aleksandra Maciejczuk
Paulina Macierzyńska
Magdalena Makuch
Kinga Malezyna
Martyna Masłowska
Wiktor Mikołajczak
Kinga Nimz
Maja Pękała
Magdalena Pikus
Piotr Piszczek
Dominik Robak
Natalia Romek
Paulina Rybkowska
Klara Siejda
Zuzanna Siek
Marisha Singh
Grzegorz Skarżyński
Magdalena Sobień
Aleksandra Sokołowska
Mariia Stepanechko
Anna Szagdaj
Anna Szulta
Karol Tchórz
Alan Warszawski
Anna Węgrzycka
Siarhei Yanushkevich
Tomasz Zamysłowski
Julia Żuławińska
Lidia Żukowska

Sophia Bałdysz

Natalia Bednarek
Who I am:
I study Biotechnology at the Faculty of Chemistry at Warsaw University of Technology. Currently I am close to finishing my Master’s degree in Chemical Biotechnology: Drugs and Cosmetics. I am passionate about science and I enjoy sharing it with others. I love travelling, getting to know new cultures and learning languages. During my free time I watch volleyball matches at a stadium but I also appreciate quiet evenings with a good book.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My BioLAB project focuses on developing an adoptive cell therapy of solid tumors. My work in the lab will consist of manufacturing therapeutic T-cells from blood cells and investigating anti-tumor effects of engineered T-cells using murine tumor models.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for the BioLAB Program because I wanted to broaden my current knowledge and learn new techniques. I also felt that it would be a unique and valuable experience to work in a laboratory in a foreign country. The opportunity to contribute to research important for human health was also motivating for me.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to continue my scientific career in a cancer research field. My dream is to work in an innovative laboratory with a group of specialists collaborating to improve current treatments and develop new ones.

Aleksandra Budzyńska
Hi! My name is Aleksandra. My hometown is located in the East of Poland, however Wrocław had been my home for last five years. My scientific journey started at the Wroclaw University, where I was studying microbiology. As I am always look for possibility to learn new things, My master thesis is focus on genetic aspects of lung cancer. I really enjoy challenging myself and trying to be better person every other day. Nowadays I work at the department of pharmacology at University of Virginia. My work is focus on retrotrapezoid nucleus and electrophysiology of its neurons. The man point of this research is to provide better understanding of CCHS and potential therapy. I decided to apply for BioLAB program because it seems to be an incredible opportunity to develop my skills and to gain a lot of experience in laboratory work. I would like to continue learning on doctoral studies and I hope BioLAB help me to achieve my goal.

Michał Fornalik
Who I am:
I am a young biomedical scientist from Poznań, Poland. I am deeply interested in cancer genetics, protein pathways, and the mechanisms of human diseases. I love untangling the chaos of connections between receptors and ligands, genes and cellular response, or drugs and their impact on body or tumor cells. The complexity of these mechanisms and sometimes unexpectedness keep me entertained and give me a solid dose of satisfaction when I finally understand them.
I am also a medical student. I believe that by doing scientific work and discovering new drugs or pathogenic pathways, I will be able to help more people than while being a “typical” physician. Therefore I’m currently on a scientific path.
Apart from science and studying, activism and social work play a significant role in my life. I am a member of Fridays For Future and participate in many events, actions, and campaigns about the climate crisis.
I love nature, second-hand clothes and art:)
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My lab aims to unravel the mechanism responsible for sex differences, metabolic dysfunction, and chronic diseases. I will work on liver diseases, including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease NAFLD. The main goal of this project is to determine if sex hormones can be used to mitigate NAFLD.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
The opportunity of doing scientific work in the U.S. at such a young age will open many doors for me and help me achieve my dream of becoming an outstanding scientist by working in the best laboratories in the world.
I want to practice laboratory skills and learn new techniques and methodologies to conduct advanced and meaningful research. I hope to meet many amazing people and get inspired to devote myself to science even more.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
I want to dedicate my life to science. After the BioLAB Program, I would like to finish my medical degree and do the Ph.D. while discovering new drug mechanisms that may be used to help my patients. I want to work in the best academic facilities in the world and share my knowledge and experience with other people, especially those younger than me, to inspire them to follow their dreams.

Seweryn Gałecki
Who I am?
My name is Seweryn Gałecki. I am a Ph.D. student at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, and I graduated with a Master of Engineering degree in biotechnology with a specialization in bioinformatics. Throughout my study period, I have been actively participating in the life of academic community as a chairman of the Student’s Scientific Society of Biotechnology. I was heavily
involved in cancer research and carried out my master’s dissertation at the Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology in Gliwice, where I analyzed the associations between genetic variations and clinical outcome in lung cancer patients. I have already started my Ph.D. dissertation. Its Initial idea is to study processes of carcinogenesis in lung cancer, as well as to try to perform computer predictions about the course of the disease, using advanced bioinformatical tools. So far, my research interests have been focused on molecular biology, genetics, and bioinformatics.
As for my personal life, I am a huge fan of gardening. I love spending time in the bosom of nature, and growing up my own vegetables. I also really enjoy activities that teach me how to work in a team, so I have been playing volleyball for six years. Besides, I love playing squash and going to the gym which is especially important in the work of a sedentary bioinformatician.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
As part of the BioLAB program, I will have the pleasure of joining the team of Professor Kevin Dean, who uses deep multiplex tissue imaging to better understand the mechanisms of metastasis in various neoplastic diseases. Thanks to the team’s innovative and interdisciplinary approach, it is possible to identify the earliest events in metastasis, including tissue colonization by a single metastatic cell.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
The BioLAB program provides a unique opportunity to participate in projects that are innovative and realistically engaged with the challenges of today’s science. I decided to apply for that internship because I am convinced that thanks to this experience I will have the chance to explore new research methodologies, as well as to practically improve the already known ones. Besides, I believe that this program will enable me not only to establish international cooperation with specialists in various fields of science but also make long-term friendships with members of the American community and other BioLAB fellows.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing my BioLAB program, I would like to continue my scientific career and constantly develop myself. I believe that this program would enable me to acquire unique skills, which would significantly increase my competence. It must be an amazing feeling to make a discovery that would help implement individualized therapeutic strategies, in effect improving someone’s quality of life. So that’s my goal – to do research that might make the world a slightly better place.

Mariola Gimła
Who I am
Hi, my name is Mariola and I graduated with a degree in Medical Biology from the University of Gdańsk with a specialization in molecular and biochemical diagnostics. Initially I worked in the Department of General and Medical Biology, then in the Department of Biology and Medical Genetics.
Currently, I am in the 4th year of my PhD Program with the Doctoral School of Natural Science at the University of Gdańsk. My main research focused on anticancer properties of substances naturally occurring in the environment and their synthetic derivatives.
I worked in NCN projects, additionally running my own small research grants.
When I’m not working in the lab, you can find cooking, baking, taking care of plants or listening to crime podcasts.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
This year I have the opportunity to work as a research trainee in Benjamin Miller’s lab at Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. During the training I will conduct studies to determine cell-type specific individual protein synthesis. I will work with either an exercise intervention or rapamycin treatment.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I submitted the application with the idea that I want to try to confront my previous skills gained during my studies. Working under the supervision of experienced practitioners and mentors, I have such an opportunity.
I heard about the program from my friends, I hesitated for a while but decided to apply … and I succeeded. I’m starting my internship soon!
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
I would like to continue my development based on the solid foundations gained during my work. In addition, I’d like to develop competences and as a person who will not sit still and try my hand at science.

Tanya Guevara Avella
Who I am:
I am a highly motivated and passionate Colombian girl interested in understanding and revealing the secrets behind life. During my Bachelors I formed as a Biologist and currently I am second year student of Master in Medical Biotechnology at the University of Wrocław
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
During my traineeship I will be involved in the generation of synthetic Antibodies to membrane proteins in Dr. Kossiakoff’s lab. The project aims to use this molecules to improve the study of this special class of proteins
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
My decision of applying to the programs arise from my curiosity and willing of acquiring knowledge and experiences
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
As I’m a knowledge and investigation fan, after having this amazing opportunity I will love to continue with the PhD studies!

Maria Gwit
Who I am:
I am a biotechnology student at Adam Mickiewicz University. My main research interests include cancer biology, neuroscience, RNA biology, and regenerative medicine. Currently, I am preparing my master’s thesis about the network of regulatory non-coding RNAs in pituitary neuroendocrine tumors in the Department of Non-coding RNAs at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences. Meanwhile, I am a principal investigator in the student grant project titled “Trace material in forensic investigations – comparison of DNA isolation methods efficiency and determination of genetic profile using next generation sequencing” at the Laboratory of High Throughput Sequencing AMU. During my studies, I had an opportunity to work as a co-investigator in a research grant project funded by the Minister of Education and Science titled “Modernization of innovative PhageBlaster software for predicting phage-host interactions” where I learned more about microbiology, especially virology. I was also involved in additional academic activities like being the president of the Natural Sciences Club AMU and a member of the Faculty of Biology AMU Programme Council. As part of the BioLAB program, I have joined the research group of Professor Todd Stukenberg at the University of Virginia.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I am joining the research group of Professor Todd Stukenberg at the University of Virginia. My project will be focused on the mechanisms of chromosome segregation and its connection to cancer development. I will be investigating the dynamics of R-loops that exist at the mitotic centromeres and their functions during mitosis.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
As a young scientist living in Poland BioLAB, training is a remarkable opportunity to expand my knowledge and, more importantly, to get a glimpse of what it is like to work in a foreign environment. I am planning to do my Ph.D. abroad. Spending a year in the academic environment in the USA will help me to refine my scientific path.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After the BioLab Program traineeship, I would like to stay in the academic environment. I am planning to continue my scientific career as a Ph.D. student working in the cancer biology or neuroscience field. I consider these topics as the most intriguing and pressing issues in current medicine. I want to help with developing new targeted therapies against cancer or with a better understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases and neurological disorders.

Magdalena Jawor
Who I am:
My name is Magdalena and I am a second-year Master’s student of Biology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. During the course of my studies, I developed a strong interest in molecular biology, therefore I decided to pursue my dreams in this scientific field. I completed my Bachelor’s degree at the Institute of Environmental Sciences at Jagiellonian University in Kraków. As a member of the Evolutionary Genetics Team, I used the yeast model system to study chromosomal instability and aneuploidy, which are common hallmarks of cancer. For my master’s studies, I decided to join the Life History Evolution Team at the Institute of Environmental Sciences of Jagiellonian University. For my master’s project, I decided to dive deep into concepts related to the theory of optimal cell size (TOCS) and study how body size impacts the number and size of single cells. I took part in the Erasmus+ exchange program and I studied at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands, where I successfully completed a couple of courses connected to molecular biology and epigenetics. I also completed three internships: at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Synevo Genetics Laboratory, and Regional Centre of Blood Donation and Treatment in Kraków.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My BioLAB project will concentrate on chromosome dynamics and nuclear structure in vertebrate cells. I will use a CRISPR-Cas9 technology to engineer DNA breaks in cultured cells and assess repair outcomes.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for a BioLAB program because it allows me to expand in my favorite scientific field – molecular biology. I believe I will get great research experience and take on new laboratory skills.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing my BioLAB internship I plan to apply for a Ph.D. program either in Poland or abroad. In my future research career, I would like to study genetic disorders and try to find new drugs and potential therapies.

Aleksandra Jaworska

Aria Kamal
Who I am:
My name is Aria and I’m originally from Iraq.
I have studied 4 years in Cyprus and 2 years in Poland, now I’m doing one year of research in the U.S thanks to the BioLAB Program’s opportunity.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
In general, my work will focus on neuroscience and Alzheimer’s disease in the Department of Medicine at the University of Virginia.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for BioLab because I saw it as a once in a lifetime opportunity for me as it will open the doors to research at one of the best universities in the U.S. and get the opportunity to view science from different perspectives.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing this program, I would love to see how I will develop and what opportunities will come to me. I’m more flexible and open to different types of things!

Aleksandra Kośmider
Who I am:
I am a Master’s student in Biotechnology at the Lodz University of Technology. In my thesis I focus on structural biology – I crystallize the transcription factor RcdA to understand its interactions with other compounds. I am also conducting a research project on the biodegradation of polypropylene, which includes metagenomic analyses.
However, I am most interested in the application of biotechnology in medicine – that is why I decided to apply for the BioLAB program.
Since the beginning of my studies I belong to the Student Academic Society of Biotechnologists FERMENT where I popularize science by organizing lectures, conferences and workshops. I’m also involved in a bioinformatics project.
In my free time, I spend time with friends, read crime books and travel.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My lab work during the BioLAB program will focus on immunology. I will focus on characterizing a new subset of T lymphocytes – iNKT and analyzing their role during influenza infection.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for the BioLAB program because I want to constantly develop and expand my skills. Participation in a foreign research project is an ideal opportunity to get to know the work of a researcher and gain valuable experience. Additionally, a one-year trip to Oklahoma will be a challenge and a life lesson.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing the programme, I would like to continue my academic career by doing a PhD.

Aysia Khan
Who I am:
I am a biotechnology student from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. I am also a science enthusiast with a constant need to search for new ways to progress and expand my horizons. I am deeply interested in tissue engineering, cancer biology, and molecular biology. So far, I have had the opportunity to study the impact of several carbon and metal nanoparticles on normal and cancer cells and I have also worked as a 3D bioprinting specialist at a deep tech (bio) company in Poland. I am a hard-working and open-minded person who enjoys meeting new people. Moreover, I am an ambivert, which means that I can be both adventurous and outgoing with a combination of a geeky loner once I discover my new hyperfixation. Outside of the lab I like learning languages, hiking, and baking. I am also a devoted pet lover and foodie with a tendency to experiment in the kitchen with different results. Problem solver by nature.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on analyzing the mechanical aspects of spindle assembly and segregation during cell division, as well as its role in cancer formation and infertility. I will work on determining the regulation of component levels of chromosome passenger complex (CPC) in different chromosomes.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for the BioLAB program because it is a great learning opportunity for me as a person who loves biotechnology. I believe thanks to that program I will acquire new practical wet lab skills and I will have the chance to work with fascinating and talented scientists. I will also experience the USA’s culture and practice my English.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to continue my education and get my PhD title from one of the American or European universities. I am also thinking about starting a biotech company of my own.

Izabela Książek
Who I am:
I am a student of Molecular Biotechnology at Jagiellonian University in Kraków. I am preparing my Master’s Thesis in the Department of Cell Biology, where I am researching molecular mechanisms of asthma development. During my studies, I used every chance to travel and study abroad. I spent one semester at the Free University of Berlin and did a summer internship at the Research Center of Interspital in Bern.
My research interests focus on Biomedicine. I want to study human physiology and fight against diseases.
When out of the lab, I spend a lot of time dancing or reading fantasy books.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on receptors in post-synaptic membranes in the nervous system. I use techniques like single-particle cryo-EM and single-molecule fluorescence microscopy to understand how the receptors work and interact with other proteins.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because the participating institutions perform high-quality research on fascinating subjects in the biomedical field. Thus it is a great chance for me to gain valuable experience and meet inspiring people with a passion for science.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing my BioLAB program, I would like to continue my scientific career. I plan to further explore research in the Biomedical field. Later, I want to apply for a PhD studies to add my part to this fascinating research.

Alicja Kuźniewska
Who I am:
I am a third-year doctoral student at the Intercollegiate Doctoral School of Biotechnology of the University of Gdansk and the Medical University of Gdansk. I conduct my research at the Laboratory of Cell Biology and Immunology under the supervision of prof. Marcin Okroj. I aim to connect rare mutations in complement system components with the etiology of rare autoimmune and inflammatory diseases in order to provide new insight into the diagnostics and complement-regulating treatment options.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
The role of the clearance of dying cells (efferocytosis) in the context of inflammation in Rheumatoid Arthritis. The project will include two sets of experiments: 1. in vivo models of RA using transgenic mice that lack multiple efferocytosis receptors, and 2. ex vivo cultures of synovial fibroblasts and macrophages and in vitro efferocytosis assays.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
This program would allow me to fulfill my ambition of doing research in the USA, which would help me develop my scientific career and expand my professional network. I look forward to getting acquainted with new methods and skills, and certainly slightly different points of view and ways of thinking.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
I would like to defend my Ph.D. and continue my scientific career in the field of immunology. I hope to have an opportunity to work alongside top scientists in the field and eventually lead my own research team.

Emilia Korczmar
Who I am:
I am a second year Master’s student in Biotechnology at the University of Wroclaw. My curiosity about how organisms work at the molecular level and how we can use this knowledge to solve problems was the driving force behind my choice of major. My research interests are mainly focused on human diseases, especially in the context of gene expression and ncRNAs. As an undergraduate, I studied the structure of human miRNAs under different conditions to see if they form tertiary structures that could serve as novel therapeutic targets. The goal of my graduate thesis is to obtain human melanoma cell clones with a knockout of integrin-linked kinase (ILK), which is essential for cell adhesion. Understanding the unique adhesive properties of melanoma would help to find new therapies to treat this type of cancer. Besides cell culture, I like to draw and travel.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My BioLAB project focuses on ncRNA-mediated regulatory mechanisms in cancer drug response. The goal is to identify ncRNAs and proteins that could serve as diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets for cancer treatment.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for the BioLAB Program because it is an excellent opportunity to broaden my horizons and gain both scientific and personal skills that will certainly be useful in the later stages of my career.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing my BioLAB Program I plan to pursue graduate studies. With the skills and knowledge gained during this Program, I would like to contribute to the research of human diseases and help to find new therapies.

Sebastian Machera
Who I am:
I am a fourth-year medicine student at Medical University of Warsaw. I also received a degree of Bachelor of Science in biotechnology at Warsaw University of Technology.
I have been collaborating with several laboratories at Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. My research interests are protein interaction and protein engineering.
In private life I am interested in simulation video games and city walks with a cup of coffee.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I’ll study molecular interactions between proteins and glycoproteins crucial for forming neuronal sites. These molecules have not been well characterized yet and their role in the wiring of the nervous system remains unclear.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I am a science enthusiast and I wanted to gain new experience. The opportunity to work and live in the US for a year sounds exciting too.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
I would like to finish my MD degree and continue research connected with biomedical sciences. I believe that there are a lot of fields which I would be able to connect my medical education and laboratory experience in.

Agnieszka Machowska
Who I am:
I am a first year student of Molecular Biotechnology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. As a part of my Master’s thesis, I started research focusing on understanding the mechanism of HSC-based memory at both clonal and systemic levels. I am a curious person and open to new adventures. I love traveling and meeting people from all over the world and their cultures. I like to spend my free time actively: in the gym, horseback riding or snowboarding in winter.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on mechanisms of transcription in eukaryotic cells. More specifically, I will do my research on the chromatin readers from the bromodomain and extra-terminal domain (BET) family which are important for the regulation of transcription and are also involved in human diseases.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
When I found out about the BioLAB Program 2 years ago, I was just waiting to be able to apply. I believe that the opportunity to complete a one-year internship will allow me to gain skills and knowledge that can be used in my future professional work. I expect that thanks to this I will also be able to expand my international contacts.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing the BioLAB Program and my Master’s studies, I would like to use the acquired knowledge and skills to develop my professional career at international level. Therefore, I believe that taking part in this program will help me achieve my professional objectives.

Aleksandra Maciejczuk
Who I am:
Hi! I’m Ola and I’m from a beautiful city named Jelenia Góra located close to the Karkonosze mountains. I came to Warsaw to study biotechnology because I was always interested in biology and I liked to learn, however little did I know about being a scientist. I’ve got hooked on research and laboratory work at the speed of light! So far I have been focused on the field of human genetics, however I want to expand my area of expertise. Besides being fascinating, I want my job to be meaningful, useful and helpful in understanding us and our world better.
Apart from science, I very much enjoy working out and doing various kinds of sports. Running and resistance training are a part of my daily routine, so everyday you can catch me doing something active. On top of that, mountain hiking has a special place in my heart as I grew up exploring mountain paths in southwestern Poland.
I’m really looking forward to coming to Charlottesville and starting a new chapter of my science journey there.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I’m joining a lab that develops adeno-associated viral gene therapies for diseases such as diabetes and epilepsy. My work will be focused on evaluating the efficacy of different treatment strategies for epilepsy. This research will provide better understanding of epilepsy and potential remedy for the patients.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I love taking on challenges, and the BioLAB Program for sure is one. What is more, it’s an exceptional opportunity to travel, meet new people and most importantly work with a great scientific community.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
I plan to continue learning, that is why I want to apply to graduate school. I hope that the BioLAB Program will help me decide on the place and the field of my future doctoral studies.

Paulina Macierzyńska
Who I am:
Currently I am a Master’s student studying Chemistry and Criminal Toxicology at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Wrocław; here I’ve been working on my Master’s thesis under the supervision of dr hab. Mariola Kuczer. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Medicinal Chemistry from the Faculty of Chemistry at the same university. My biggest scientific achievements were the Dean’s Scholarship for outstanding results at university education and the Sosabowski Scholarship for the best student of the year. During my Bachelor’s studies I had a chance to gain knowledge in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacodynamics and spectroscopy. During my Master’s studies I broadened my knowledge by a new group of drugs from the field of toxicology. I’m fascinated by the newest methods of using biological samples in the field of criminology. Currently I am preparing for a one-year-long internship at UTSW as a part of the BioLAB Program, where I’ll be carrying out research related to Alzheimer disease. In my free time I like broadening my horizons through traveling, good food and reading books: from criminal stories to psychological and self-development ones.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
The main goal of the project is research concerning improperly formed proteins in the context of neurodegenerative diseases. For this purpose we will be using numerous methods, ranging from structural to biochemic ones.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I like challenging myself in everyday life and the BioLAB Programu was a perfect challenge for me. The natural sciences are at a very high level in the States, and thanks to the internship I have an opportunity to work with some of the greatest scientists in this field. Moreover, a great advantage for me is a chance to see the American culture from the inside.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After finishing the program I wish to come back to Poland and finish my Master’s thesis. I would like to use the skills I gain in the development of my scientific career as a chemist. Apart from that I wish to travel more and fulfill my dreams.

Magdalena Makuch
Who I am:
Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome! My name is Magdalena and I’m a second year master’s student in molecular biotechnology at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. To be honest, after graduating from high school I didn’t know what I would like to do in the future and biotechnology wasn’t even my first choice, however, I got accepted and I had to do something with my life. I started as an ordinary student, with ordinary records, but after a few years of getting into lab work and the scientific community I have to admit that I love it (no more than I love my Dogs, but still)! Now, more ambitious and determined, I work on the interplay between macrophages and tumor cells in the Department of Immunology at my faculty, and look for self-development opportunities. Last summer I applied for the Erasmus+ internship and spent three months in the scientific center in Madrid. That journey has convinced me that travelling is one of the best parts of science, maybe even inevitable. So, here I am.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My BioLAB project in Dr. Umesh Deshmukh’s group focuses on Sjögren’s syndrome (SjS), an autoimmune disorder which affects salivary and lacrimal glands, thereby leading to the reduced fluid secretion as well as dryness of eyes and mouth. We’re going to investigate how pregnancy and age are related to the increased susceptibility of women to SjS development.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because for me it’s an extraordinary opportunity to learn cutting-edge techniques, broaden my knowledge, skills and develop my passion for immunology in the U.S., which is the leading country in this branch of biology. And I would like to see the Grand Canyon…
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing my BioLAB traineeship I would like to apply for a PhD program. Therefore, the whole year of full-time laboratory work is an excellent time to gain more experience and confidence.

Kinga Malezyna
Who I am:
I am a student of Master’s degree in Molecular Biotechnology at the Jagiellonian University in Poland. In 2021, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology at the same university. During my studies, I also participated in the Erasmus+ scholarship program, in which I studied for a semester at KU LEUVEN in Belgium. I am a committed and determined person who is not afraid of challenges and tasks related to learning new things. What’s more, I always try to think outside of the box. In my free time, I love hiking in the mountains and playing volleyball. I also enjoy traveling, meeting people and getting to know new traditions and cultures.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I will be responsible for expression and purification of mitochondrial translocation complexes in mammalian or insect cells. Next, I will determine the 3D structure of this complex using Cryo-EM and characterize this multicomponent protein using biochemical techniques. The goal of the project I am joining is to discover 3D hotspots that will allow us to understand the molecular basis of colorectal cancer progression and develop drugs to combat this disease in patients.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
The Biolab program is a unique opportunity to be part of the scientific world in the USA, where scientific research is conducted at the highest level and research facilities give access to the latest and most advanced infrastructure. Moreover, I thrive in an international environment, so this Traineeship Program is a great occasion for me to gain more experience and further develop my scientific career.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After the BioLAB Program, I would like to continue my scientific career and start doctoral studies.

Martyna Masłowska
Who I am:
I am a 5th-year Chemistry student at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. I spent the first year of my Master’s studies in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, as part of the Erasmus+ Program. After completing two semesters, I got accepted for Erasmus+ Traineeship Program at the University of Hradec Králové (UHK). During my internship at the UHK, I participated in a project called “Modern methods in organic chemistry”, which focused on organic synthesis, isolation, and purification of obtained compounds and analytical methods, such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Both my Erasmus+ exchange and Erasmus+ Traineeship Program at the University of Hradec Králové (UHK) allowed me to experience working in an international team, travel and learn more about different cultures.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My project will focus on structural and mechanistic studies of protein
kinases, particularly WNK (with-no-lysine (K)) kinases — an important group of drug targets for cancer and hypertension. Applied methods will include Cryo-EM, NMR, SAXS, hydrogen-deuterium exchange, as well as various kinase assay techniques. The project aims to uncover molecular mechanisms of WNK kinases and better understand their activity and how it affects human diseases.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I applied for a BioLAB Program because I wanted to broaden my horizons and learn more about the biological aspects of chemistry. Taking part in the BioLAB Program is an amazing opportunity to fulfill both purposes. It is also a unique chance to work in an institution that has been awarded 6 Nobel Prizes and publishes high-quality research. Therefore, participation in this project allows me to become knowledgeable about the molecular basis of biological regulation and gain new skills. It will also be a step toward developing my future scientific career.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After finishing the internship, I would like to establish a collaboration between the UT Southwestern Medical Center research team and the Department of Medical Chemistry at Adam Mickiewicz University. Moreover, I plan to defend my Master’s thesis and most likely pursue a Ph.D. degree afterward. I would also want to travel more, explore Southeastern Europe, and visit Asia for the first time.

Wiktor Mikołajczak
Who I am:
I am an aspiring young scientist and biotechnologist, driven by passion for discovery and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology at the University of Wroclaw, and I am currently pursuing a Master’s in Biotechnology at the same university, as well as an MSc degree in Bioinformatics at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences.
Despite the intensive workload of my studies, I make time to work in the lab and pursue my interests. I am fascinated by science because it allows us to explore and understand the world in new and exciting ways. My ultimate dream as a scientist is to contribute to impactful work that benefits society.
I am thrilled to have been selected for the BioLAB program in Chicago, where I will have the opportunity to gain valuable scientific experience and make friends from all around the world. I am excited to immerse myself in American culture and believe that this program will open many doors for my future career.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My work in the Moskowitz Group focuses on studying the Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway’s role in determining the timing of organ-specific progenitor differentiation, with a particular focus on the brain and heart. Through a combination of genetic, bioinformatic, and cell biological approaches, we aim to define the signaling pathway mechanisms that control organ development in mammals and explore how the Hh pathway may be implicated in various disease conditions.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for the BioLAB Program because it offers the chance to work in a leading laboratory and gain experience with new techniques while also improving my existing skills. As someone who enjoys challenges and seeks to continue growing as a scientist, I believe this program will help me become more independent and prepare me for a successful PhD and career in the future. Overall, I am excited for the opportunity to be a part of this program and confident that it will be a valuable and rewarding experience.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing the BioLAB Program, my goal is to pursue a PhD in either biotechnology or bioinformatics in Europe or the US. I believe that this program will provide me with the necessary experience, skills, and connections to succeed in my future academic pursuits and make meaningful contributions to the field of science.

Kinga Nimz
Who I am:
I am a Master’s student in Chemistry with a specialization in digital chemistry. In addition, I am pursuing a professional career at QSAR Lab as a junior R&D specialist. I’m a person who tries to strive and, importantly, doesn’t compare myself to others, which I believe is the key to success.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I will be assigned to a project under the supervision of Dr. Nathan Sheffield. My work will focus on computer analysis, mainly in terms of genetic big data.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
Above all, I wanted to try my existing data analysis skills in conjunction with the biological disciplines and to learn as much as possible in the context of working on large data sets based on newly learned methods and tools.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
I would like to apply to doctoral school and continue to pursue science in the context of using computer methods to solve biological and chemical issues.

Maja Pękała
Who I am:
I am a final year Master’s student in Medical Biotechnology at Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. From an early age, I was interested in biology and medicine, so I knew that biotechnology with a medical specialization was perfect for me. During my studies, I joined scientific societies, in which I have been active and continue to realize myself to this day. This allowed me to gain my first experience by assisting with scientific projects on various topics.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My BioLAB work focuses on the structural and molecular basis of amyloid aggregation to develop therapeutic and diagnostic tools. One of the most prevalent examples of diseases is Alzheimer’s disease and cardiac amyloidosis. These are caused by the formation and accumulation of fibrillar structures in organs causing eventual death. During my internship, I will be working to understand disease presentation in amyloid conditions and to develop clinical tools to better diagnose these diseases and stop their progression.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
As I mentioned earlier, I was interested in biology and medicine from an early age. Back then, my dream was to develop a new drug/treatment for previously incurable diseases. Today, those dreams are becoming a reality. Opportunities to participate in projects offered by the BioLab program make it possible to realize just such dreams, and maybe even already goals.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
Participation in the internship will allow me to expand my laboratory and language skills. That is why I would like to continue my research and start doing my Ph.D. at some university in Europe.

Magdalena Pikus
Who I am:
I am a 5th year biotechnology student, studying at the University of Wrocław. I am currently pursuing my Master’s Degree in the department of Cytobiochemistry, where I’m studying aggregation of a-synuclein. This protein is associated with several neurodegenerative disorders. Other than that I’m passionate about music, arts and crafts and reading. Music was always an important part of my life and I enjoy discovering new sounds and artists. I also like creating things with embroidery and crocheting, and immersing myself in books to learn and be entertained.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I am going to be a part of Dr Lunardi’s lab at UVA, which focuses on the mechanisms of intravenous and inhaled anesthetics in the brain of elderly patients.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I wanted to gain an opportunity to work alongside experts in the field, gain hands-on experience with new technologies and methodologies that would be otherwise unavailable for me.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
I would like to continue working as a researcher either in academia or the industry. Maybe pursue PhD studies or stay another year at the UVA 🙂

Piotr Piszczek
Who I am:
I am a biotechnology student from Wroclaw. On a daily basis I study nitrogen metabolism in plants. I am fascinated by the complexity of the physiological mechanisms of these organisms that allow them to adapt to many environmental situations despite their static nature.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My work during BioLAB will involve studying the mechanisms involved in the synthesis of cell wall-building polymers.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
BioLab makes it possible to work in a top scientific environment. Working at U.S. universities gives you access to the most advanced techniques and methods needed to conduct innovative research.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
To continue my career as a PhD.

Dominik Robak
Who I am:
I am a bioinformatics student with enthusiasm for the field of biophysics. At present, my research endeavors encompass the utilization of high-resolution microscopy, the usage of machine learning techniques in image analysis, and the examination of genomic data.
My academic journey began with a Bachelor’s in Molecular and Cell Biophysics, igniting my passion for understanding the intricate relationships between genetics, molecular biology, and computational techniques. This passion led me to pursue a career at the intersection of biology and technology, where I could leverage my skills to uncover novel insights into complex biological systems.
Throughout my academic tenure, I have been fortunate to work with esteemed researchers, participate in cutting-edge projects, and present my findings at conferences.
As I continue to expand my knowledge and refine my expertise, I am eager to collaborate with like-minded professionals, contribute to groundbreaking research, and ultimately play a role in transforming human health and well-being.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My BioLAB project will explore the turning mechanisms of epithelial sheets within living mice. Utilizing high-resolution microscopy, I will employ classical image processing techniques and advanced machine learning methodologies to analyze the acquired data meticulously.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I decided to apply for the BioLAB Program because it offers a unique opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research alongside esteemed professionals in the field. This experience will not only broaden my knowledge in bioinformatics and biophysics but also equip me with invaluable practical skills to propel my future career endeavors.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
Upon completing my program, I aspire to contribute to advancing bioinformatics and biophysics through innovative research and collaboration with fellow experts. I want to develop groundbreaking solutions for complex biological challenges, thereby improving the quality of life for countless individuals worldwide.

Natalia Romek
Who I am:
I am a very enthusiastic, optimistic and friendly person. I make new friends very easily and almost with everybody. I like working in a team; it allows me to learn something new and see different points of view. I can also work individually, focusing more on my tasks and doing it at my own pace. I pay attention to my work and try to make it as good as possible. In addition, I am not afraid of new challenges. I easily and quickly adjust to the new environment and specific situations. I am also eager to learn new things or techniques and combine them when it is possible. That is why I went to a mathematics-focused class in high school, studied anthropology as a Bachelor’s degree and now laboratory techniques in biology as my Master studies. It is amazing how we can combine different fields of science to find something new.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
Cancer cell cycle and its division. I will be carrying out live fluorescence-imaging
experiments while manipulating cell pathways using chemical inhibitors, RNA interferences and CRISPR technologies.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I saw information about the BioLAB program when I was in the first year of my Bachelor’s studies and since then, I have wanted to participate. It is a huge opportunity to see different work ethics and learn from leading scientists.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
Start PhD studies. I would like to share my new knowledge too, especially with future students.

Paulina Rybkowska
Who I am:
I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine. I am working with mesenchymal stem/stromal cells and their future use in neurological disorders treatment. I can’t imagine my future without being a scientist and working in a lab. I am a person full of curiosity and commitment, always looking forward to new challenges, and love exploring new things in life.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
In my work during the BioLab program, I will be involved in the molecular basis of neurodegenerative diseases, i.e. Alzheimer’s disease.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I wanted to give myself the challenge to work abroad in a new scientific environment, develop new skills, learn new techniques, and meet experienced scientists. I think the BioLAB program has something special about it, a certain kind of positive energy coming from the people and support in every aspect of pursuing a goal. I think that the program is extremely beneficial for young scientists, opens up new opportunities, is the beginning of a career, and is the first step to gathering experience abroad.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
I would like to continue my scientific work in the field of neuroscience, find a place for a postdoc in the international scientific environment, and continue to learn, develop, publish, and go to conferences. I’d like to do all of the things that science is about, because it gives me the greatest satisfaction.

Klara Siejda
Who I am:
My name is Klara, I am in the last year of my Master’s studies at Warsaw University of Life Science. I am working on my Master’s thesis at the Nencki Institute, in the Laboratory of Molecular Basis of Aging. I’m open minded and interested in various fields of science. Besides that, I love animals and learning about new cultures, especially through cuisine, because I love good food and I believe that it brings happiness in life. I value time spent with my friends doing sports, playing board games or just chilling.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I will be working at Wolf lab at the University of Virginia. I will focus on cardiovascular biology, especially in patients with heart attacks. I will analyze the number of cycling cardiomyocytes in a mice model.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for the BioLAB Program because why not? I see it as a great opportunity for self-development. I will definitely learn a lot thanks to working with world-class specialists and I believe that it will help in my future career.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After the end of the scholarship, I hope to publish the results of my research project. I want to continue my scientific career and start my PhD abroad. In the future I want to focus on cardiovascular biology and aging because I think it is a very important field of study.

Zuzanna Siek
Who I am:
Currently, I am a student of Master’s studies at the Faculty of Animal Breeding, Bioengineering and Conservation at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and a graduate of Bachelor’s studies at the Faculty of Horticulture and Biotechnology at the same university. From the beginning of February 2023, I am implementing the Erasmus program studying biology and related biological sciences at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
In my spare time I like to paint, create ceramics and cook. I love discovering new elements of everyday life, developing my interests. I am a huge fan of museums, travels, karaoke and dogs.
My latest discovered hobby is hiking. In the future I would like to try cross-country skiing and improve my level of proficiency in sign language.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on molecular and cellular mechanisms accompanying the functioning of mitochondria located in a neuron, as well as mechanisms related to aging and neurodegenerative diseases.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
Personally, I reckon that an internship in the USA will certainly give me chances to expand my knowledge and the opportunity to work with real experts in their field. In addition, the USA, as a biotechnology leader in the world, has equipment that is unavailable in Poland. A trip to the USA will also allow me to overcome my own weaknesses – I think that if I manage to go on this internship, I will prove to myself that nothing is impossible for me.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing the BioLAB Program, I would like to further develop and expand my knowledge and expertise in neuroscience and stem cells. I would also like to start doctoral studies.

Marisha Singh
Who I am:
I am originally from India, started my scientific journey by pursuing B.Sc in Biotechnology from the University of Wroclaw, Poland. I decided to continue my Master’s studies in medical biotechnology at the same university. I have always strived to be versatile and push myself out of my comfort zone. If you do not find me working in a lab, I will be writing poetry whenever I find some time.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I have been assigned to Prof. Tao Pan’s lab at the University of Chicago. This lab focuses on the functional genomics and biology of tRNA including microbiomes and epitranscriptomics including microbiome-host interactions.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
Microbiology has been one of my core interests since the beginning of undergraduate studies. My Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis, both have been in the department of molecular microbiology. One of my main motivations to apply for the Biolab programme has been the blend of interesting cutting edge research topics along with the opportunity of working with a group of talented individuals. I look forward to developing my scientific expertise, strong connections with fellow researchers and commitment towards the given project.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After the completion of my BioLAB program I would like to advance my scientific expertise by opting a research project or a PhD. This program will let me gain the necessary skillset for a rigorous project I would be looking forward to contributing my time towards. It is a beginning for a plethora of scientific opportunities ahead.

Grzegorz Skarżyński
Who I am:
My name is Grzesiek, I’m a Polish student, currently working on my Master’s degree in Bioengineering at Warsaw University of Life Sciences. I’m interested in anything regarding science, physics, chemistry, maths but most of all biology. I’m a level headed, open minded and overall chill guy. My biggest hobbies are video editing, volleyball, video games and self development. I think the highlights of life happen during a hike or when you’re hanging out with your friends, or both!
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
Investigating the dynamic interactions between cells that orchestrate animal development and maintain adult tissues. Deciphering how specific signaling pathways work is the key to understanding animal development and regeneration. This can be done by observing previously tagged endogenous protein under light or confocal microscopes. During my project I’ll be working on C.elegans because it shares many cell signaling pathways with vertebrates and its transparent body makes it easier to perform high-resolution live imaging.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I see the Program as a great way to not only develop my scientific career but also as an opportunity for me to grow as a person. Living on the other side of the world in a totally different country will undoubtedly broaden my horizons as far as how differently I could work or approach my life.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
For me the BioLAB Program is an important stepping stone during my scientific career. After the program I would like to apply for a doctorate in Sweden. In my opinion it’s a good country to work in and a great country to live in, mainly because of its beautiful nature.

Magdalena Sobień
Who I am:
My name is Magda. I am studying animal bioengineering at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Currently, I am doing research at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, where I became passionate about neuroscience. My master’s thesis is about brain mapping during appetitive learning.
I am an ambitious and open-minded person. I enjoy making new friends and finding myself easily in new situations.
In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis and reading books about psychology and human behavior. In addition, I am interested in Italian culture. I could spend my free time in charming Italian towns. In my personal opinion, Italian cuisine is one of the best I have tasted in my life.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
Biochemistry of RNA processing complexes linked to childhood neurodegenerative diseases. I will learn about biochemistry and the genetic basis of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases using various lab techniques.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I applied to the BioLAB program because I believe that I have learned a lot during my years at a university in Poland and I want to take on new challenges. I am ready for a new stage in my life which will allow me to develop in the field and gain new experience and skills. I am sure that participation in the program will allow me to broaden my knowledge, which I will be able to use in my scientific work. In addition, I am sure that living in Chicago will allow me to get to know a new culture and make new long-lasting friendships.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After the BioLAB program, I would like to continue my scientific career. I hope that participation in the internship will allow me to gain experience and knowledge that will help me achieve further scientific success.

Aleksandra Sokołowska
Who I am:
A 5th year chemistry student by day and a bookworm with a way too long TBR list by night. Chemistry and the future in the science world may not have been something I planned from the very beginning, but I learned to love it and enjoy the satisfaction it brings. Master studies brought a new interest in my life in a form of crystallography, which showed me how beautiful structural studies can be. I like the obstacles that this path requires to overcome and I do not shy away from a challenge. What my major has definitely taught me is to never give up and be as determined as I can. In my free time, if life allows, I like to learn foreign languages, draw and write short stories (for now, just to hide them in my drawers). I hope my future allows me to pursue many more hobbies of mine and also be professionally fulfilled as a scientist.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I will have a chance to work in Dr Nam’s lab. The work will be focusing on molecular mechanisms underlying RNA-mediated gene regulation.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I started to seriously bind my future to a PhD and developed an interest for biochemistry and structural studies. I believe this program will be a great learning experience out of my comfort zone and a way to my future.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
In the future, I would like to continue my studies in a PhD program and stay in academia. Being able to keep learning more and to share the knowledge with other students would make me the happiest.

Mariia Stepanechko
Who I am:
My name is Mariia Stepanechko, and I am an aspiring graduate student in Biochemistry. Born in Irpin, Ukraine, I came to Poland in 2017 to study at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Here I received a Bachelor’s degree, and currently, I am continuing my studies as a second-year Master’s student. I always wanted to discover new things and help others and that is why I chose science as my career path. Presently, I am performing research at the Immunology department of my faculty, where I am trying to untangle the relationships between macrophages and tumor cells. I would be glad to keep studying cancer immunology, and one day I hope to join the circle of scientists helping to fight the disease. In my leisure time, I enjoy learning foreign languages (tackling French at the moment), running, and socializing with my lab mates.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I will join Prof. Timothy Bullock’s lab in the Department of Pathology. There I am going to learn how to use a non-invasive therapeutic technique called focused ultrasound to treat tumor-bearing mice and estimate how this treatment influences the immune system and helps in providing tumor control.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I love challenging myself, and a year-long internship offered by BioLAB is definitely a big challenge I would like to face. Moreover, the program provides grantees with invaluable experience of working in a different environment, learning, and traveling possibilities – all of which I find fascinating!
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing the program, I would like to first graduate from my university and then continue my education at the Ph.D. level. I hope that experience gained during the internship will point the direction of my future interests and research.

Anna Szagdaj
Who I am:
I’m a Ph.D. student of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, born and raised in my beloved city Wrocław. My main scientific interests involve circulatory system diseases, especially atherosclerosis progression, focusing on limited durability of cardiovascular implants such as bioprosthetic heart valves and intravascular stents. In the past I worked in different European cities: Dresden Germany, Braga Portugal, Dublin Ireland, Warsaw Poland. I love travelling and meeting new people and I enjoy challenges.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
Macrophage-mediated inflammatory and metabolic responses in chronic progressive diseases, including atherosclerosis, heart failure. I will join the research team led by Norbert Leitinger, Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacology. The project will include direct work with animals, as well as cellular studies.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I truly believe that everyone should expand their knowledge in numerous scientific environments to be successful in a professional life. I regard this Traineeship as the best opportunity for me to participate in a project held in the United States, which is known in the biomedical engineering field for its high level research. I have a genuine interest in Biomedical Engineering and I hope that by joining this Program I would enrich my skills and knowledge.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
Finish my Ph.D. and further develop as a researcher.

Anna Szulta
I am a student majoring in Biochemistry at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. I am pursuing my passion for science by studying the numerous cellular processes that lead to cancer development. In addition to the countless hours spent in the lab and reading publications, I never turn down a walk with a cup of coffee. I value my own time and peace and quiet so you won’t find me in crowded places when I have free time, however, I am always eager to meet new people and opportunities. I’m rather a maverick so it’s tough to change my mind, however, I’m willing to discuss and listen to another approach. My family and friends appreciate me for genuinely expressing my opinion, providing time and attention to others and baking. Over time I have come to realize how many things are still undiscovered and unexplored so in my spare time I like to ponder this.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My work in the BioLAB lab focuses on research regarding ovarian cancer and the impact of aging on its development, a research group I will be joining is studying proteins and enzymes associated with cancer mTORC1, among others. I will develop a project in the area of ovarian aging and cancer, which will include in vitro and in vivo techniques using genetically engineered mouse models and patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) of ovarian cancer.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply to the BioLAB Program because it is the opportunity of a lifetime for students to grow in the field of science. A year full of challenges and new experiences, but certainly unforgettable and life-changing. It is an opportunity not only to expand and acquire hands-on experience but also an occasion to travel and explore the world.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing the BioLAB Program, I would like to continue to develop myself, conduct research, obtain higher degrees, and present my research results at conferences. I would like to devote myself to science and discoveries that can revolutionize the development of medicine and science.

Karol Tchórz
Who I am:
My name is Karol and I am a final year biotechnology student at the University of Warsaw. My research interests lie in the areas of regenerative medicine and developmental biology, and I am particularly fascinated by the potential of stem cells in these fields. So far I’ve gained in the Laboratory of Stem Cells, Tissue Development and Regeneration at the Centre of New Technologies of University of Warsaw, where I did research for both my Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis. As I move forward in my career, I am driven by a passion for science and a commitment to making a meaningful impact in the world. In addition to my academic pursuits, I am an enthusiastic coffee lover, and I believe that freshly brewed Kenya coffee is one of life’s simple pleasures. Besides that I am a huge fan of cinema and music (one day I am going to learn how to mix music!) or art in general, which accompanies me all the time. In my life I prioritize surrounding myself with good people who share my values and inspire me to do my best work.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
During my BioLAB internship I am going to explore stem cells and regenerative medicine by studying a type of protein called chromatin regulators. The study will focus on Polybromo (PBRM1), a protein that is part of a group called BAF complexes – these complexes help regulate how genes are turned on or off in the body. I will use a special mouse model to study how PBRM1 affects the development of heart cells and the maintenance of heart stem cells.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for the BioLAB Program because of an insistent desire to develop as a scientist, but also because I wanted to experience science from a different perspective than before. At the same time, the BioLAB internship is a chance for me to learn about American culture, make new friends and experience an unforgettable life adventure.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to continue my scientific journey and start Ph.D. studies. I am staying open to new opportunities but I know that I want to explore the research of stem cells and one day make a real contribution to science.

Alan Warszawski
Who I am:
I’m a Master’s Degree Biotechnology Student at Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk. I had an opportunity to work in the Laboratory of Theoretical Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk. I was working there on interactions of calcium and magnesium ions with amino-acids side chains using UNRES force field modeling [DOI:10.21203/rs.3.rs-1079923/v1]. I’m working now in the Laboratory of Molecular Enzymology and Oncology at MUG where I am working on my Master’s thesis and participating in research on cell signaling in regards to breast cancer.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I will be working with Dr. Marty W. Mayo from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at University of Virginia. I will be examining the role of the BAZ1B in cancer progression, metastases and treatment resistance, especially in LUAD (Lung Adenocarcinoma).
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
Participating in the BioLAB program has been my main goal ever since I learned about it during my BSc studies. My supervisor advised me to go to a meeting with the local program ambassador. I believe that the BioLAB program is a great opportunity to start a scientific career at the world’s highest level possible
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
My plan is to pursue a Ph.D. degree in the USA or in Europe. Thanks to the BioLAB Program, I have a great opportunity to gain invaluable experience that I believe will help me in application for Ph.D. programmes at the best universities in the world.

Anna Węgrzycka
Who I am:
I am a 25 year old medical biotechnology student from Radom, currently doing my Master’s at the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. My current project focuses on apoptosis in the large intestine of mice infected with Acanthamoeba spp. I am an ambitious student, who wants to have an impact on the world of medicine and science. I am a volunteer at the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. My interests in the lab are immunology, pharmacology, biochemistry and how the immune system works in general. Outside of the lab I am a proud dog and cat owner. In my free time I like to watch movies with my friends, cook, fiddle around with small electronics and do yoga.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
My work in the BioLAB Program will be focusing on identifying and characterizing nutritional treatment strategies for multiple sclerosis (MS). This will be performed using mice as an animal research model. The things I will be doing in the lab include flow cytometry, measuring vision and motor function in mice and performing histology on mouse tissues.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because of a friend who got approved for a project in UVA last year. She has been an inspiration to me and I decided that I wanted to try my luck as well. I have also been wanting to visit the US, so getting work doing what I love, living in a country that I’ve wanted to see will be a dream come true.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to try to get my Ph.D. as well as continue laboratory research to further explore the world of medicine and science.

Siarhei Yanushkevich
Who I am:
I was born in Belarus. Since childhood, I was fascinated by the harmony of nature and I tried to learn more and more about its organization. Soon, I started participating in biology Olympiads and eventually felt that biology should become the purpose of my life. For me, the most intriguing scientific question is how micro- and nanoscale events provide the fundamental properties of life. I would like to address biomedical questions, such as immune misregulation, cancer or genetic disorders from the perspectives of underlying molecular phenomena. I have a deep love for nature, and being immersed in it is one of my greatest pleasures. I am particularly fond of birds and enjoy hiking through mountains and forests in search of rare and graceful species. This is one of my favourite pastimes, and I find that sharing the experience with friends makes it all the more enjoyable. There is nothing quite like sitting by a warm fire, strumming a guitar, and singing songs with friends in the midst of breathtaking landscapes:)
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
The project will focus on discovering novel ion channels that regulate immune cell function and immune responses. We will use various genetic, biochemical and immunological approaches to identify these ion channels and study their role in mouse models of infection, autoimmunology and cancer. The long-term goal is to gain a better understanding of how these proteins regulate the immune response and make advances in immunotherapy.
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
The BioLAB program is a great chance for a young and highly motivated scientist to gain a unique experience at the beginning of his career. Many fields in biology inspire me and BioLAB provides the opportunity to take a deep look into one of them. This experience will help me make a balanced decision on the topic for my future PhD.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
I would like to pursue a career in biological science and obtain a doctoral degree. My dream is to one day lead a team of talented scientists and together uncover the amazing mysteries of nature.

Tomasz Zamysłowski

Julia Żuławińska

Lidia Żukowska
Who I am:
I am a PhD student at Institute of Medical Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Lodz. For my PhD, I had great opportunity to work with Jarosław Dziadek, PhD on the topic of tuberculosis transmission. I have a degree in Medical microbiology, Immunology and Laboratory Diagnostics. As and undergrad student I participated in an internal competition of the University of Lodz and was awarded a one-year grant titled “IP-10 and sCD14 as potential biomarkers of pediatric tuberculosis’. As a principal investigator, I was responsible for many formal and scientific aspects of the grant. During my graduate and undergraduate studies I was awarded Rector’s Scholarship for the best students, but also Rector’s Special Award for activities benefitting the University of Lodz. I am also an active member of the Graduate Student Council of the University of Lodz and have organized many events such as scientific conferences and workshops.
My BioLAB work in the lab focuses on:
I am joining the research group of Anja Bielinsky, PhD at the University of Virginia. My project will be focused on FANCD2 protein and its involvement in DNA repair pathways through interaction with Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA).
I decided to apply for a BioLAB Program because:
BioLAB Program offers great opportunity to expand my knowledge on various topics of research, but also to acquire many new laboratory skills that are of great importance for my future career. I think participating in an internship in a foreign country is a very important step for all young scientists since joining the program will affect my soft skills, like critical thinking and problem solving, which are even more important to develop. I think by throwing myself in at the deep end and pushing hard I will gain more confidence in being in a scientific team and find my place in the world of science.
After completing my BioLAB Program I would like to:
I definitely want to work in a world of science and further develop my interests in many research topics. I would like to work on issues that are relevant to our society and push the science further to help others. To reach that goal after completion of my internship, I will apply for post doc positions in the USA or Europe.
Name | Home institution | Host institution | Field of study |
Sophia Bałdysz | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu | University of Virginia | Biotechnology |
Natalia Bednarek | Politechnika Warszawska | University of Chicago | Biotechnology |
Aleksandra Budzyńska | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | University of Virginia | Microbiology |
Michał Fornalik | Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | Medicine |
Seweryn Gałecki | Politechnika Śląska w Gliwicach | UT Southwestern Medical Center | Biomedical Engineering |
Mariola Gimła | Uniwersytet Gdański | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | Medical Biology |
Tanya Guevara Avella | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | University of Chicago | Biotechnology |
Maria Gwit | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu | University of Virginia | Biology |
Magdalena Jawor | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | Molecular Biology |
Aleksandra Jaworska | Uniwersytet Warszawski | University of Chicago | Medical Biotechnology |
Aria Kamal | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | University of Virginia | Medical Biotechnology |
Aysia Khan | Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie | University of Virginia | Biotechnology |
Emilia Korczmar | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | University of Virginia | Biotechnology |
Aleksandra Kośmider | Politechnika Łódzka | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | Biotechnology |
Izabela Książek | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | UT Southwestern Medical Center | Biotechnology |
Alicja Kuźniewska | Uniwersytet Gdański i Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczy | University of Virginia | Biotechnology |
Sebastian Machera | Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny | University of Chicago | Medicine |
Agnieszka Machowska | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | Molecular Biotechnology |
Aleksandra Maciejczuk | Uniwersytet Warszawski | University of Virginia | Biotechnology |
Paulina Macierzyńska | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | UT Southwestern Medical Center | Forensic Chemistry |
Magdalena Makuch | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | Molecular Biotechnology |
Kinga Mależyna | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | University of Virginia | Molecular Biotechnology |
Martyna Masłowska | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu | UT Southwestern Medical Center | Forensic Chemistry |
Wiktor Mikołajczak | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | University of Chicago | Biotechnology |
Kinga Nimz | Uniwersytet Gdański | University of Virginia | Chemistry |
Maja Pękała | Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie | UT Southwestern Medical Center | Medical Biotechnology |
Magdalena Pikus | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | University of Virginia | Medical Biotechnology |
Piotr Piszczek | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | University of Virginia | Molecular Biology |
Dominik Robak | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | University of Virginia | Bioinformatics |
Natalia Romek | Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | Biology |
Paulina Rybkowska | Instytut Medycyny Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej im. M. Mossakowskiego PAN w Warszawie | University of Virginia | Biomedical Sciences |
Klara Siejda | Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie | University of Virginia | Animal Bioingineering |
Zuzanna Siek | Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | Animal Bioengineering |
Marisha Singh | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | University of Chicago | Biotechnology |
Grzegorz Skarżyński | Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie | University of Virginia | Bioengineering |
Magdalena Sobień | Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie | University of Chicago | Animal Bioengineering |
Aleksandra Sokołowska | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | UT Southwestern Medical Center | Chemistry |
Mariia Stepanechko | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | University of Virginia | Biochemistry |
Anna Szagdaj | Politechnika Wrocławska | University of Virginia | Biomedical Engineering |
Anna Szulta | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | Biochemistry |
Karol Tchórz | Uniwersytet Warszawski | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | Biotechnology |
Alan Warszawski | Uniwersytet Gdański i Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny | University of Virginia | Biotechnology |
Anna Węgrzycka | Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie | Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation | Medical Biotechnology |
Siarhei Yanushkevich | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | University of Chicago | Biochemistry |
Tomasz Zamysłowski | Politechnika Warszawska | University of Chicago | Biotechnology |
Lidia Żukowska | Uniwersytet Łódzki i Polska Akademia Nauk | University of Virginia | Medical Sciences |
Julia Żuławińska | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | University of Virginia | Molecular Biotechnology |