American Fulbrighters
to Poland 2024-25
Every year, dozens of Americans come to Poland through the Fulbright Program. They’re graduate students (U.S. Student Researcher Program), recent graduates with bachelor’s or master’s degrees (English Teaching Assistant Program), scholars, artists and professionals (U.S. Scholar Program and Fulbright Specialist Program). During their stay in Poland, they conduct research and/or teaching projects, representing the diversity of the United States and its higher education system. Embracing the spirit of international exchange, they are eager to immerse themselves in Polish culture while sharing aspects of American culture. Who are they, what will they be working on during their fellowship, and what inspired them to come to Poland? Learn more about them below.
Grantees’ profiles
Click or tap on a person to learn more about the grantee, their grant, and the reasons they chose Poland as their grant destination. For a complete list of the 2024-25 Fulbright grantees to Poland, please refer to the Google spreadsheet linked below, as this list of profiles is not fully comprehensive.
Grantees’ host institutions locations
The map shows the locations where in Poland grantees will be located, based on their host institutions. Expand the legend or switch to map full-screen mode to see all participants – map displays one pin per instituion, even if multiple grantees are hosted there. Click on a person to view more information.

Invite a Fulbrighter
Polish higher education and research institutions, as well as schools, cultural institutions, and nonprofits, have the opportunity to invite Fulbright grantees to collaborate during their stay in Poland.

Access full list of grantees through Google Sheet
To use sorting and filtering use “Data” tab in the top menu and then “Create filter view”.

Learn More About Fulbright Grants to Poland
Fulbright Poland offers a wide range of grant programs that support research visits to Poland or collaboration between Polish institutions and American scholars, artists, and professionals.