65 Years of the Fulbright Program in Poland

The year 2024 was extraordinary for our Commission – we celebrated the 65th anniversary of the Fulbright Program in Poland! Operating continuously since 1959, we are proud to be the longest-running academic and cultural exchange program in Central and Eastern Europe.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed to the success of the Fulbright Program in Poland over the years. Thanks to you, we were able to celebrate this remarkable milestone with pride and joy!

In February, during our annual virtual networking event for American alumni, we launched a fundraising campaign. Thanks to the generous support of our community, we successfully raised funds to sponsor a year-long stay for one Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Poland, which allows us to maintain the the number of grants. We are immensely grateful for every donation and the kind words of encouragement shared with us.

Conference “Ethical and Safe in the Digital World”

In April, under the theme “Ethical and Safe in the Digital World”, we hosted an international conference addressing critical topics, including the importance of diversity for high-quality journalism, the social and ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence development, cybersecurity in the era of hybrid warfare, and innovative approaches to smart city development. This event was made possible by our talented alumni, who led panels, workshops, and discussions, sharing their expertise.

As part of the 5th edition of the #JestemFulbrighterem / #JestemFulbrighterką campaign, we highlighted interesting stories and milestones from the history of the Fulbright Program in Poland across social media. Alumni also enthusiastically participated in the #FulbrightMemories initiative, recounting their unique experiences and unforgettable moments from their Fulbright scholarships in the United States.

To celebrate the anniversary, we introduced a special #FulbrightDecades series. This eight-part retrospective showcased key events, milestones, and defining moments from each decade of the Program’s history in Poland, starting with its launch in 1959.

Signing “Writer-in-Residence” memorandum of understanding.

In June, in partnership with Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, we launched the Fulbright Writer in Residence program – a groundbreaking initiative in Poland, offering a unique fellowship opportunity for U.S.-based writers.

In October, through our collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington, D.C., we hosted the second Fulbright Evening. This event, designed primarily for alumni living on the U.S. East Coast, featured opening remarks by Adam Krzywosądzki, Chargé d’Affaires of the Polish Embassy. Dr. Emily Kosmaczewski, an astronomer and Fulbright alumna, shared how the Program shaped her academic career and her doctoral journey in Poland. The evening concluded with a short concert by Fulbright alumni Iwo Jedynecki (accordion) and Karolina Mikołajczyk (violin).

Discussion panel “Who Benefits from Polish-American Academic Exchange?”

In October, we also organized a panel discussion titled “Who Benefits from Polish-American Academic Exchange?” as part of American Day during the Congress of Small and Medium Enterprises. Fulbright alumni shared insights from their academic experiences in the U.S., sparking interest among a diverse audience eager to learn more about the benefits of Polish-American academic collaboration.

November saw the long-anticipated release of a landmark publication about the history of the Fulbright Program in Poland. The book, “Building a Republic of Spirit: The History of the Fulbright Program in Poland, 1945–2020“, authored by Dr. Oleksandr Avramchuk, takes readers on a journey through post-war history and politics, illustrating how the Program evolved over the decades and impacted its participants.

Discussing “Building a Republic of Spirit” publication.

November also marked changes within the Commission’s leadership. At the end of October, we bid farewell to Justyna Janiszewska, our dedicated Executive Director, who concluded her 8.5-year tenure with us. In November Ewa Czarnojan has assumed the role of Executive Director, ready to lead us into new challenges and opportunities in the years ahead.

We concluded the year with our participation in the Silesian Science Festival in Katowice. On the dedicated Fulbright Stage, several Fulbrighters from Poland and the U.S. presented their research, passions, and experiences as Fulbright scholars. Over two days, our Commission’s representatives also staffed an information booth, answering questions about the Fulbright Program and the opportunities it offers in the United States.

Fulbright Scene at the Silesian Science Festival in Katowice.

The year 2024 was a celebration of inspiration, new initiatives, and shared milestones marking 65 years of the Fulbright Program in Poland. With optimism and excitement, we are already starting to plan how we will celebrate the Program’s 70th anniversary in 2029.

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